Sponsor a Student

Support our Student Atmospheric Pursuits Scholarship Program! Cobb Mountain Art and Ecology Project (CMAEP) is thrilled to begin a new program supporting young, up-and-coming artists that are just beginning their journey in atmospheric firing. For many students, atmospheric firing can be inaccessible due to not having access to facilities, community, or the financial means. We recognize our privilege to host numerous atmospheric workshops each year and have the facilities to do so. The Student Atmospheric Pursuits Scholarship program is targeted towards students looking to expand their knowledge of atmospheric firing methods and engage with a wide range of ceramic artists and other firing participants.

Cobb Mountain Art and Ecology Project is firmly committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity. This will remain one of our most critical goals, ensuring support for all students, with no bias in regard to age, disability, gender identification, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, or veteran status.

This program that supports the future of makers is currently funded by CMAEP, our patrons, and generous monetary contributions. Please consider contributing and supporting the next generation of makers. 100% of the money generated will go towards the scholarship fund.

How to Support:

Check or Cash sent to:

Cobb Mountain Art and Ecology Project

Student Atmospheric Pursuits Scholarship

9700 Rockys Rd.

Loch Lomond, CA 95461

*Please note that we are currently not a non-profit, therefore this is not a tax deductible donation.