Sheep & Goat Pen, Aquaponic Garden & Koi Pond, & 3rd Soda Kiln Firing

Its been a busy week here. We have had nearly 6" of rain or snow in various combinations over the last two weeks and everything is saturated. Thankfully we with a break in the weather since Thursday, we have been getting some work done around the property. 

We purchased 6 lambs this week which Elliott will be raising until April or May and then selling off for meat. Because of these new guests on the land we constructed a larger livestock pin. Elliott, HP, Sierra & Mitch put up a 65 foot by 20 foot enclosure over the last couple of days. This enclosure which is next to the main garden will be home to the sheep as well as Freckles and Ramsey, our two goats. 

Scott continued the finishing of the Aquaponic garden and Koi pond. The last several weeks have been dominated by work on this project. The final waterproof coatings were added several weeks ago and with every break in the weather, rocks were cut to fit and plans made for final details. Scott and all of the residents, as well as a few helpers from Sacramento, have been diligently and tirelessly working on mortaring everything in place since Thursday. We very much look forward to the completion of this project.

In other news around the studio, the soda kiln was also fired for the third time by resident artist HP Bloomer. It seems like it was a fairly successful firing that used both wood and gas. We will also hopefully be changing out the orifices in the Bailey gas kilns this week and getting them up and running. 

Thanks for stopping by!